Aisha ‘Ilm Scholarship For Women

The Aisha ‘Ilm Scholarship is named after the first female scholar and instructor of islam. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist women who are serious about seeking knowledge and attending an institution of learning for the sake of attaining knowledge that has been pre-approved by the Nasihah Wa Da’wah Foundation. If you need assistance in finding an institution we know programs that are available.
Applying For The Scholarship
Applicants must email us a resume with educational background; with a scholarship proposal in PDF format of at least one page detailing the following:
The institution you are seeking to attend and its location.
How much you need in order to attend the institution.
An essay explaining why you want to be a student of knowledge and what you’ve experienced that instilled this firm passion in your heart?
What is your ultimate goal once you attain this knowledge?
Please list any obstacles that you are having to accomplish this goal of seeking knowledge.
Please also forward a copy of your passport (if you don’t have a passport, then please submit some form of government ID).
Anything else you feel is pertinent to get your application approved.
Email All Material In PDF Format To: [email protected]
Include the following in the Subject Line:
Aisha ‘Ilm Scholarship For Women Applicant